Thursday, May 28, 2009

God Issues: Baseball and the Supreme Court  |  To Subscribe or change your address Click Here

today's news in spiritual perspective

By Dr. James C. Denison
President, The Center for Informed Faith, Dallas, Texas

May 27, 2009

Topic: our awesome Creator


Baseball and the Supreme Court


As you know, President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor yesterday for the Supreme Court.  Critics are beginning to attack her record; supporters are preparing their defense.  Whatever we think of her qualifications, today's Los Angeles Times reminds us that she issued the injunction in 1995 which saved the baseball season.  The bad news is that she grew up cheering for the Yankees.  I was present for their slaughter of our beloved Texas Rangers two days ago, and am trying to forgive the judge her baseball bias.  Yankees fans illustrate the fact that God made us with the freedom to misuse our freedom.


Yesterday we took a moment to contemplate the uniqueness of our God-given design.  Now consider the matter and energy out of which God made our universe.  Imagine a wall with hundreds of dials.  Each must be at exactly the right setting for carbon-based life to emerge in a suburb of the Milky Way.  If the cosmic expansion of the universe had been a fraction less, it would have imploded billions of years ago; a fraction more intense and galaxies could not have formed.  The odds of our universe's existence and design occurring by random chance would not be accepted by any gambler, anywhere on earth.


Picture a comet.  Its vapor trail can be more than 10,000 miles long. But capture and bottle that "tail," and you discover that the amount of vapor actually present in your bottle is less than one cubic inch of space.  Imagine traveling across the sky at the speed of light.  You would fly for 4.5 billion years to reach the edges of the universe we can see through telescopes today.  Yet the Bible says that God measures all of that with the palm of his hand (Isaiah 40:12).  The creation reveals a remarkable Creator.


President Theodore Roosevelt and his good friend, the naturalist William Beebe, would sometimes stay at Roosevelt's family home.  They would go out on its lawn at night.  They would search the skies until they found the faint spot of light behind the lower left-hand corner of the Great Square of Pegasus.  Then they would remember together:


            That is the Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda.

            It is as large as our Milky Way.

            It is one of a hundred million galaxies.

            It consists of one hundred billion suns,

            Each larger than our sun.


Then President Roosevelt would grin at Mr. Beebe and say, "Now I think we are small enough.  Let's go to bed."  Are you small enough to go to God this morning?

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