Monday, October 27, 2008

Hope, Music, and Finances

These are excellent features from Bill Moyers Journal, Oct 24th.

Prepare to be inspired by this piece on the hardships in today's world and how Mark Johnson is using music to bring people together. In the beginning, Moyers visits Metro Baptist Church in Hell's Kitchen, where Ronnie Adams, formerly at First Baptist, Plano, now serves.
"Playing for Change:" Click on video.

Excellent discussion of the financial crisis with Dr. James K. Galbraith of the University of Texas, author of the new book, "The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too." Click on video.


SimplyAg3 said...

To say the US economic system is a true Free Market is just not true. In a free market there wouldn't be a central bank... with that said I think Mr. Galbraith is a little misguided with what he says.

Regulation caused the problem we have right now... oh well.

Paul W Gray said...

John, who said the US is a "true" free market? I didn't hear that in this discussion. Also, what do you mean by "regulation caused the problem ...?"
